Swamp Thing


swamp thing alex gross transmission gallery


swamp thing alex gross transmission gallery


Swamp Thing, 2009
Transmission Gallery Glasgow, Scottish Solo Show

Catalogue with an Essay by Giles Bailey

As part of Transmission Gallery’s Scottish Solo Show 2009, three Committee Members of the Gallery were invited by the artist to visit the “La Tomatina” in Buñol, Spain. The purpose of the visit was to document their personal experiences in the form of photos, video, and writing. An accompanying essay is a result of this project. The experience of ‘La Tomatina’ – the colours, the smells, the contours of people hanging from buildings – become indirectly translated into structural form. Gross’ temporary installation “Swamp Thing” is an articulation of his absurd investigations into sculptural excess. Gross is interested in specific environments. The installation, ‘Swap Thing’, sited for six weeks at a grass
slope in Ruchill, Glasgow, was situated nearby the Canal and recently built Mondrian Residencies. Due to the type of ground soil underneath the structure, the earth turned into deep, slippery mud, subtley echoing the slush and chaos of the ‘La Tomatina’ and slowing down the spectators’ steps, transforming the experience of the surrounding architecture into an indirectly performative rite. –

Alhena Katsof, 2009
Special thanks to
The project was generously supported by Land and Environmental Services and the Glasgow City Council. Transmission Gallery is supported by the Scottish Arts Council, and Culture and Sport Glasgow and Zeyad Abul-Ella for the engineering.

Swamp Thing, Transmission Gallery Glasgow and off-site at a former dumpyard in Ruchill.
Material: galvanised metal, vynil, mud. 560 x 420 x 380 cm


swamp thing alex gross transmission gallery




swamp thing alex gross transmission gallery




swamp thing alex gross transmission gallery




swamp thing alex gross transmission gallery




alex gross swamp thing transmission gallerySwamp Thing, 2009, 6,80 x 4,20 x 3,80 m, galvanised steel, plastic, mud, Transmission Gallery, off-site in Ruchill, Glasgow, Scotland